Fluctuation now available on iTunes
The album Fluctuation is now available for download on iTunes. Get it now: itunes.apple.com/us/album/fluctuation/id413296129Interview for www.jazzcorner.com
From an interview I did with Robert Sutton about Fluctuation:"Elron makes his debut with Fluctuation, an album that bursts through the speakers with youthful swagger and surgical precision."
Read the full piece at http://www.jazzcorner.com/news/display.php?news=2076Sababa 5 is All About Jazz’s track of the day
The track Sababa 5 from Fluctuation is the download of the day at www.allaboutjazz.comEditor's Comments:
"Fascinating tune. Aside from how good it is, I was also visited by the thought that this would make a great driving album. Should appeal to fans of John Zorn's mystical projects and fans of Anat Cohen (and family). Guitar and flute are a winning combination here."
Check it out at http://media.allaboutjazz.com/jazzdownload.php?id=6660#.VCpqTvmSySoA First Tate of Umami Quartet is now available on cdbaby.com
The album A First Taste of Umami Quartet is finally available for download or physical copies at www.cdbaby.comOn My Doorstep is a finalist at Cannes Film Festival
Anat Costi's animation short On My Doorstep, to which Noam wrote the soundtrack, is a part of the official selection of the Cinéfondation competition at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.Five star review of Fluctuation in Roots Extract
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Mike Roots of the blog Roots Extract gives Fluctuation 5 stars out of 5"Brimming with inspired performance, a variety of ethnic influences and magical interplay, Fluctuation is Elron’s brilliant solo debut recording." "Displaying the tasteful restraint and maturity of seasoned artistry..." "...an authentic beauty of an album..."
Read the full review at roots-extract.blogspot.co.il/2011/02/review-noam-elron-fluctuation.html